Light has authority. Just because darkness is present is not the evidence of its conquest of light. It is the evidence of the absence of light. We have to stop complaining about Hollywood and the government going to hell because they are in the state of darkness. There is not enough light in those areas. God wants us to go to those places and shine. If we go into those areas, there would be light there.
We are not to be judgmental. We can’t put people into categories. We are to love and accept them. We shouldn’t care about race, age, gender, whatever. We don’t care what sin they are trapped in–we care that they come to the living Christ to find the light they need to live a sin free life. He can fix the darkness in the hypocrites as well. Anyone that is functioning under spiritual darkness, he can fix. He came to light things up and make things better.
As we read over John 8 again, He shows us how to shine in this dark time. We show the love of God to the darkening world by living out the Grace of God in our daily lives. We help those bound and condemned by their sins by loving them and calling them to Christ. “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light…” (1 Peter 2:9) We help them by daring to touch God and release heavens healing power into their life. If we want the world filled with light, we need to realize miracles. The light of God radiates through the healing work of the Holy Spirit. These two things are connected. The light of heaven shines when miracles and signs happen on the earth. It’s time for the light of God to fill our cities through the signs and wonders of Christ. The name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is all the power we need. His name pierces the darkness, illuminates the night and changes hearts. The man born broken had his eyes opened. He saw because the light shined. People will begin to see when our lights shine into their darkened lives.