If you want to offend religious people, be bold. There is no better area to be bold in than when it comes to people being sick. Jesus never told us to ask for healing. He said, heal the sick. ”They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark 16:18) Don’t stop praying for people to be healed just because there are those that didn’t get healed. Do what he said to do and he will do what he said he would do. In my prayer time, I’ve seen what is coming. I believe God has shown me that what is coming is something we have never seen. I believe that through times of worship, a level of glory will come where every sick person that is in the room will be healed, and it will spread. A glory is coming we have never seen. A fullness that God wants the church to carry is coming. But it will only come as we operate as Kings and Priests.