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God made everything, and we are here for the pleasure of His will, so it is a natural extension of His plan that Jesus came as the Good Shepherd. He’s more than just a plain old Shepherd. He is good. In the Greek, this has profound meaning. Good means “that which is beautiful, pleasing, acceptable, honest, attractive, wholesome, useful, surpassing, precious, suitable, commendable, magnificent, handsome, genuine, and praiseworthy.”  The word “good” is essential because all of those characteristics come from God—He is the source of all goodness.

Good describes who God is; God loves it when we recognize that He is good. I want to repeat this fact: He’s not just a shepherd, He’s a Good Shepherd. We serve a good God. When life’s bad, He’s still good. He’s good by acumen and nature. He’s good by relational behavior with us. “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” (Psalm 100:5)