Consider this further example: An angel appeared onto Mary, the mother of Christ. The first thing the angel said was that she was “HIGHLY FAVORED.”
And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” (Luke 1:28, 30)
Twice the angel declared that Mary was FAVORED OF GOD. This announcement was to prepare Mary for the great thing God was to do for her and in her. FAVOR opened the door of God’s destiny for Mary. I truly believe that if Mary had rejected or been unreceptive to GOD’S FAVOR, she would also have been unable to receive the impregnating Word of God. Before she conceived in her womb the living Word – Jesus – she entered into the atmosphere of GOD’S FAVOR for her life.
Before God can unveil His will and destiny for your life, you must enter into the proper attitude. Having a winning attitude is more than mental gymnastics. It is knowing and living in the reality that we are “MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM THAT LOVED US.” To live in fear and discouragement is to live in an attitude of defeat. THE ATTITUDE YOU CHOOSE DETERMINES IF YOU WIN OR LOSE!
And the common attitude of God’s champions is that they expect to win and succeed in life. Winners can’t tolerate mediocrity or defeat. God is a winner. He longs for you to know all He’s done for you and all He’s given you. If the circumstances of your life have produced a negative attitude, if you expect things to fail and life to be hard, if your image of yourself is that of a loser, THEN CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE AND YOUR ATTITUDE WILL CHANGE YOU!